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Public API

🧮 Input Satinizer

With this functionality, you can sanitize and validate the formats of an input.


  • You can check if the string meets the format for one or more specific characteristics.
  • The string will be checked to ensure that it has no iyentions for both SQL and NoSQL.

🎯 Parameters

data: {
    input: {
        description: "Refers to the string to be validated.",
        type: String, Object,
        methods: [ Params ],
        nested: [ ]

🔥 cURL

curl -X GET \
  "https://api.tpeoficial.com/v1/public/inputSatinizer?input=$(printf %s "input_REQ" | jq -s -R -r @uri)"

✅ Response

  "input": "21/08/2024",
  "formats": {
    "ascii": true,
    "bitcoinAddress": false,
    "cLikeIdentifier": false,
    "coordinates": false,
    "crediCard": false,
    "date": true,
    "discordUsername": false,
    "doi": false,
    "domain": false,
    "e164Phone": false,
    "email": false,
    "emoji": true,
    "hanUnification": false,
    "hashtag": false,
    "hyphenWordBreak": false,
    "ipv6": false,
    "ip": false,
    "jiraTicket": false,
    "macAddress": false,
    "name": false,
    "number": false,
    "panFromGstin": false,
    "password": true,
    "port": false,
    "tel": false,
    "text": true,
    "semver": false,
    "ssn": false,
    "uuid": false,
    "url": false,
    "urlSlug": false,
    "username": true
  "includes": {
    "spaces": false,
    "hasSql": false,
    "hasNoSql": false,
    "letters": false,
    "uppercase": false,
    "lowercase": false,
    "symbols": true,
    "digits": true




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